19 August 2013

How to Change/ Update / Revise Your Home CPF Payment for HDB / Condo monthly contribution Loan

Revise update or stop your monthly Singapore CPF loan payment. if you want to change / revise / stop / update the monthly amount to pay off your house / HDB / condo loan,

Commence revise or stop CPF payment for monthly housing installments option

follow this guide: 

1. go to https://www.cpf.gov.sg 
2. go to my request on the left side, choose property and click proceed 
3. choose your property loan - HDB or Private and click proceed

4. choose the first option next, commence revise or stop CPF payment for monthly housing installments click proceed. 
*make sure your pop out blocker is disable or simply put cpf.gpv.sg into your safe list browser. 

5. a new window will pop out. choose the revise / cease, expected date of change and the new CPF monthly installment.

6. the next step is pretty straight forward, just press next , a summary  page will be displayed and make sure you click submit for the changes of the monthly cpf loan payment. 
  1. Unable to revise montly instalment now. Now only have option to cease payment.

  2. I've checked and even though the interface is a little bit different, I'm still able to do the revise.


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